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Blog posts tagged with 'osha'

Janitorial services are essential to the smooth running of many institutions and workplaces. Are you doing everything you can to ensure they are safe too?
Apr 2016
The Whistle Blower Protection Program, initiated by OSHA, was instated to protect employees from retaliation. The program protects workers through 22 federal laws.
If you determine that a chemical in use may be harmful, how can you identify alternatives? Will you need to make changes to your processes?
Apr 2016
OSHA Silica Ruling: All Isn't Crystal Clear
Following the new regulation, a lawsuit formed rapidly alleging that the new regulations would do more harm than good to construction companies in the US.
OSHA has issued a new rule to combat the hazards presented by Crystalline Silica. OSHA projects that the new rule will save 600 lives every year.